What are natural resources? Explain with example.

Natural resources are materials or substances that occur in nature and can be used by humans for various purposes, such as economic production, energy generation, or sustaining life. These resources are derived from the Earth and are classified as either renewable or non-renewable based on their availability and replenishment rate.

Types of Natural Resources:

  1. Renewable Resources: Resources that can replenish naturally over time. Examples include sunlight, wind, water, forests, and crops.
  2. Non-renewable Resources: Resources that exist in limited quantities and take millions of years to form. Examples include coal, oil, natural gas, and minerals.

Examples of Natural Resources:

  1. Forests: Provide timber for construction, paper production, and fuel. They also help maintain ecological balance by supporting biodiversity.
  2. Water: Essential for drinking, agriculture, and generating hydroelectric power.
  3. Minerals: Gold, iron, and copper are used in manufacturing and infrastructure development.
  4. Fossil Fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas are key energy sources for industries and households.
  5. Air: Necessary for respiration and wind energy generation.
  6. Soil: Vital for agriculture and growing crops.

Significance of Natural Resources:

  • They support life by providing essentials like food, water, and air.
  • They drive economic development by supplying raw materials for industries.
  • Proper management of natural resources is crucial for sustainable development and preventing resource depletion.

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